The Day was 7th March when children staged the musical play to the public and their parents who came to watch the show at Oshwal Junior High Auditorium from 2 pm. The annual musical marked the end of semester one in the year 2019/2020 Talent development program. children signed up to the semester for six months would come to our centre at Goan Gymkhana opposite the National Museum of Kenya in Nairobi city every Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm. For the first one hour children would engage in specialized classes in either of the three dramatic areas: Dance, Acting or Music. Each child is auditioned upon joining in the program and is assigned any of the three specialized areas where they perfect the skills in that area for at least a period of one year and can either continue in the same area or change to explore on another on the next year. The other two hours were used for rehearsing the play. Within the same period of time or within the semester children also got a chance to collabo...